Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Smart Home? How should I approach this?

With the number of technologies, brands, platforms, vendors, integrators, and manufacturers around, it can be very daunting to decide how exactly to do a smart home. As a first step, we’d invite you to our Definitive Smart Home Guide, which lays out the basics of a smart home, and guides you through decision-making processes, as well as the possibilities and limitations of different smart home systems.

If what we’re doing here at appeals to you, then you can dive right into our Smart Home Cost Quotation, which helps you with the actual planning of smart homes devices in your own home, including deciding on products, and calculating quantities you’ll need.

Want to take it a step further? Go straight to our DIY Smart Home Builder, which is a step-by-step builder which allows you to put the items straight into your cart – and even check out directly for local shipping.

What is a Hub? Do I need one?

For all Zigbee products, Zigbee Hub will be necessary in order to connect all the zigbee products.

Will my smart home work without wifi or internet?

Yes! We’re firm believers of offline controls for contingencies. Your light switches will always work when physically pressed. Curtain motors can be activated by a short tug on the curtains. Door locks never need wifi or internet anyway. Everything will still work, just that you won’t be able to control them with your phone.

Does each smart home device connect to my wifi? Will it congest my network?

No, most of our smart home device use Zigbee wireless technology to connect to the  hubs, in a separate network.

That said, we also have devices that will connect directly to wifi, such as our wifi switches and door locks.

Do I need wifi and internet for smart functions?

Yes. You will need them for smart functions such as remote controls and creating automations. Some automations such as scheduling and smart scenes will work without Internet connection, if the devices are zigbee based

I turn off my router every night. Will the switches still work?

Once the router is off, you will lose some smart functionalities. However, the pressing the switch physically will always work. Our Smart Hub will connect back to your wifi automatically when the network is turned back on, and smart functionalities will be automatically restored.

Do I need strong wifi coverage in my home?

Generally, yes. It’s good practice and ensures stability of your devices. However, since most of our devices connect to the hub via Zigbee, only the hubs need a strong wifi connection. Thus, you will only need strong wifi coverage where your hubs are connected.

Do smart switches work with 2-way switches?

Yes! We can set it up so they will work exactly as they did before.

Can I set up the smart home myself? Or do I have to pay you to do it?

It is actually very easy to set up your smart home! All you need is an Android phone or iPhone that can download and run the the app (available on both app stores) and install our products.

Have something else to ask?

Get in touch with us by sending us your specific inquiry or just simply chat with us.